born in Seoul, KR (1991), currently lives in Offenbach a.M. and studies at University of Art and Design Offenbach (HfG Offenbach) in Germany.

About Works

Woo transfers her visual world in her works to illustrations, installations, textiles, books, motion graphics, among other things as part of exhibition.

With the translation of her illustrative motifs into reliefs, a new field has opened up for her work. When she connects her thoughts with the world, she enters into an emotional exchange with the viewers of her work, who can find comfort and inspiration in it. This is the ultimate purpose of her work, for which she uses various media of visual communication.


2016 -
University of Art and Design Offenbach, Visual Communication




2025. 01. 31 - 02. 02 - Bookbau Festival: Art Book Fair, Karlsruhe, DE
2024. 10. 10 - 10. 13 - Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair, Berlin, DE
2024. 09. 20 - 09. 22 - Betweenbooks: Art Book Fair, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE
2024. 08. 25 - 09. 08 - "Emma: f(n)ull", Group exhibition : Holz - zwischen Organismus und Material, Kunst- und Kulturverein Alte Schule Baruth e.V., Baruth/Mark, DE
2024. 08. 03 - 08. 24 - "Emma: f(n)ull", Group exhibition : Bonn Bonn von KlasseKlasse HfG Offenbach, Künstlerforum, Bonn, DE
2024. 07. 06 -07 — Hot Printing Druckfestival, Offenbach am Main, DE

2024. 03. 23 — It's a book: Independent Publishing Fair, Leipzig, DE

2023. 09. 22 - 24 — Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair, Berlin, DE

2023. 08. 19 - 09. 10 — Group exhibition : Wasser, Kunst- und Kulturverein Alte Schule Baruth e.V., Baruth/Mark, DE
2023. 07 — "Emma", Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE
2023. 05 — "Emma", Open Atelier Brandenburg : Grosse Pause, Alte Schule Baruth, Baruth/Mark, DE

2023. 03 — "Bakurtsikhe", Group exhibition, Veli Space, Bakurtsikhe, GE

2022. 08 — "Wasserreflexion auf dem Schiff", Theme exhibition : Arena zum Reflextieren 2022, Kunst- und Kulturverein Alte Schule Baruth e.V., Baruth/Mark, DE

2022. 07 — "A beautiful disappearance", Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE
2022. 05 — "Reminding in digital", Open Atelier Brandenburg : Jeder Tag ist ein guter Tag, Alte Schule Baruth, Baruth/Mark, DE

2021. 12 - 2022. 01 — Group exhibition : Sempf, Magma Maria, Offenbach a.M., DE
2021. 12 — "A journey to find boundless love", Diplomnebenfach / Group exhibition : Konditorei, Magma Maria, Offenbach a.M., DE
2021. 10 — "A journey to find boundless love", Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE

2021. 09 — "2Q2!", Exhibiton, Age Changsin, Seoul, KR

2021. 08 — "A journey to find boundless love", Group exhibition : Pandemie Geburten II, Kunst- und Kulturverein Alte Schule Baruth e.V., Baruth/Mark, DE

2021. 05 — "Universum Schal", Exhibition : Kunstvertrieb by Magma Maria, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt a.M., DE

2019. 11 — "Mein Universum", Group exhibition : Art Offenbach, Offenbach a.M., DE

2019. 10 — "Mein Universum", Vordiplom, HfG Offenbach, DE

2019. 09 — Art book fair, Indiecon, Hamburg, DE

2019. 07 — "Toys that are good for health and taste good", Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE

2018. 07 — Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE

2017. 07 — Jahresausstellung HfG Offenbach, DE

2017. 02 — "Gravitation", Group exhibition : Winter of love, HfG Offenbach, DE





This website shows a selection of my work from the last few years.
For a full portfolio or any other inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me 💌